Captura la Vida

    Este fin de semana me encontraba en mi casa poniendo en orden algunas de mis cosas.  Durante este tiempo de limpieza me encontre algo que impacto todo mi tiempo y capturo todas mis emociones.  Algo tan simple como un barco inflable; pero en esta ocacion el valor de eso sobre salia todo nivel.  Este barco; fue un regalo de mi padre para uno de mis hijos cuando el habia estado en un viaje.  Pero lo importante no era el juguete sino el contenido.  Este barquito estaba envuelto de vida; este juguete ahora se ha convertido en el Tesoro mas preciado para mi.  Alli se encontraba el “Soplo de Vida” de…


    La Sombra del Eden

    Tiempo de reposo y descanso es un habito indiscutiblemente que necesitamos como seres humanos.  El poder palpar su fidelidad  en un simple abrir de ojos. El grato hecho de respirar la frescura del amanecer y la contemplacion de una hermosa puesta de sol.  El resplandor de la inmensa abundancia que brota y enverdece por ese amor que coloca cada cosa en su lugar.  La luz  que nos ofrece la oportunidad de un comienzo de dia.  Cuan hermoso y glorioso es ese beneficio al cual somos diariamente testigos; cara a cara a esta maravilla natural!  Genesis 2:1-3 Este es el principio de el hombre natural. Aunque nuestros ojos espirituales hayan sido…


    Logging Life

    Documenting the events that have made my life full and recognizing the value of each one of them.  These obvious occurrences in my process of this beautiful “Breath of Life”; have been the results of a loving God.  You realize when you get to be of age that all these different scenarios that took place in your life happened at the right time.  Then only; you open your eyes and you begin to ponder as to why it took so long to acknowledge God’s amazing work. Psalm 139 God loves me and without a doubt! He has been the sole author of my “Book of Life”; logging every single event…

  • Dreams

    “Process of Life”

    On this DREAM I saw two different scenarios the first dream was dated July 10, 2012 and the second one on July 13, 2012 First: 07/10/2012 – I saw a big tall Mountain and it was completely covered with white snow (like ice).  I saw someone standing on the very peak of the mountain.  This person whom I could hardly see but knew it was there; was picking up bodies that were completely naked; lifeless and tossing them all the way down to me.  I just happen to be on the very bottom of the mountain.  I was then catching them and placing the corpse in some type of order…


    Project Genesis

    The other day I was having a conversation with one of my very best friends. Who happens to be an engineer who has worked with NASA; but unlike many that have the scientific background he is also a believer. Because of his Christian upbringing he also understands that there is a higher authority behind Science; but he also got involved and webbed in with the same mentality of always having a scientific answer for everything until now. He brought up a question: What do you think about man going to outer space? I told him you are probably not going to like what I have to say; because you will…


    Eagle’s Eye View

    This May 08, 2017 marks a one year anniversary of the natural passing of my father.  I can’t help myself but to get emotional; just thinking of this grand day of celebration.  It is like if it was just yesterday; I was having our special morning talks over a cup of coffee and breakfast. I still remember vividly his every single line and wrinkle of my father’s facial expression as we conversed about how wonderful and great God is.  His beautiful smile lit up the whole room even on a dark, cloudy and rainy day.  Without a doubt; the only routine in my life that I had enjoyed; and not…



    La ilusion optica de algo que no existe; esta es la condicion de nuestra fe.  La constante necesidad del hombre del vivir en un engaño.  Por no creer en la existencia de un Supremo Creador; argumentando en racionalidad todo concepto elevado en este tema del unico Dios.  Hebreos 11:1 El continuo debate interno de la sabiduria del hombre poniendo su nivel de conocimiento en la maxima plataforma.  Siempre colocandonos en un lugar inalcanzable e’ irracional que nos lleva a una confusion torbellina; abriendo las puertas a doctrinas falsas y engaños que solo son desviacion a la verdad.  2 Tesalonicenses 2:11-12 El espejismo del cual estoy hablando es la de una…


    Sello de Vida

    En esta ocacion voy a relatar el principio de algo muy especial que Dios me mostro recientemente; precisamente en Marzo 01, 2017 a las 5:20 A.M.   Esto llego relativamente por la necesidad que habia en mi; porque en ese momento estaba programada a visitar un templo donde yo seria la que llevaría el mensaje.  Esto hiba a tomar lugar el Sabado, Marzo 04, 2017.  Yo como no teniendo experienicia en nada de esto le pedia a Dios que me diera algo en respecto a un mensaje.  Algo que no seria una preparacion mia porque entonces seria algo programado y limitado. Mis respetos para las personas que hacen esto continuamente.  ¡Yo…


    Butterfly Effect

    As I mentioned before on a previous writing and I will repeat again. The hardest thing that anyone can go through would have to be the experience of the domino effect of the consequences of the degeneration of man.  The penetration of this powerful cell into oneself allows this authority to govern your way of living.  This word is not just an invasion to your physical body medically; but it can also come disguised as a spirit that can attack you mentally, emotionally and spiritually.  This word cancer has been placed beneath my feet and I stomp the authority that God has bestowed on me!!!!! IT HAS BEEN DEFEATED!!!!!!! Phil.…

  • Dreams

    B’ayin – Dream

    On this DREAM dated 03/21/2013 was one of the most important dreams that God gave me.  Why; because it was when my interest in learning from the roots of where everything started.  My interest became very apparent in learning to introduce in my studying “Hebrew”.  This is the first thing that I saw in my dream   and I knew first of all that it was a confirmation to my wanting to learn the basics of Hebrew.  As I have placed below you can also understand the early Hebrew meaning of this letter “Eye”.  To be responsive and alert to always of God’s way of communicating to you; for me…