Mystery of God’s Purpose
A lot of times we find ourselves hidden under the blanket of life. We are covered completely in the ritual of this world. Waking up each morning not understanding why we are up and just continuing about our day. Day in and day out every single time; seconds, minutes, hours, days, months and years pass and man is clueless of God’s purpose in their lives. Which makes it hard for Him to work with us since all our strength and effort is given 100% to surviving the day. Until one day you wake up and you are hit with a curve ball. You are now face to face with the…
Triple Filtro
Un filtro es un dispositivo atraves del cual se hace pasar un fluido para limpiarlo de impurezas o’ separar ciertas sustancias para seleccionar lo mejor dentro de su contenido. Este es la definicion cientifica de un filtro. Durante un tiempo de oracion recuerdo que recibo una revelacion de algo que yo estaba completamente en obscuras y podia ver con claridad la representacion de su “Palabra” y tambien “Filtro”. El toma su tiempo y me muestra lo siguiente en respecto a su “Palabra” y la accion de que no puede ser filtrada. El termino de “Palabra” deriva de latin que significa parabola es una figura simbolica de una narracion. Como sabemos…
Path of Slavery
On this DREAM dated 05/30/2011 was my second dream that I had once I committed my life to the Lord on 04/28/2011: I called it “Path of Slavery” because of the image that I was looking at. I saw a multitude of people walking with a big load on their back that they were carrying. Their hands and feet were chained. They were all in a straight line following one another, it was an image of slavery. They were all walking up a tall mountain and I could literally see the pattern of the walk it was on a circular spiral motion going up towards the mountain. Then I saw…
Time of Chaos – 9/11
September 11 a very tragic commemorative date with heaviness of unified sorrow for the United States and its people. This day marks the beginning of a new perspective not just for the Nation and Government; but also most importantly the people. We had to focus ourselves that in order to succeed the rebuilding of our nation; we would have to combine our effort, strength, commitment, loyalty and faith. This unity would give our country the results that are necessary to continue with the reputation for being one of the strongest nations in the world. Understanding this attack would only process our nation to come out stronger than ever politically, economically…
Purificacion de un Amigo
Todo tiene un principio….y este es el mio. Voy a tomar este dia que es muy importante para mi que es el dia que Dios predestino para el aniversario de Vida de mi Padre. Voy a explicar una de las experiencias que tuvimos como familia en el proceso de Vida de mi Padre. Esto paso en Octubre 29, 2013; esta fue una experiencia espiritual quizas un poco dificil de entender conforme a la naturaleza del hombre. Pero si refleccionamos en el Espiritu podemos ver lo que se estaba llevando acabo. Desde un principio en que este evento tomo lugar; podemos percibir quien era el que estaba tomando el control de…
On this Vision dated 02/25/2013 I saw only the following words: EXODUS 50 JACOB I was so confused about it because at first I did not understand what it was until God showed me. A lot of times we do not have the answer to our visions or dreams right away it could take time sometimes years. But this specifically was very important to me and that is why I have decided to put it on first rather than my other ones because of its meaning. When I first started seeking God which was back in 2010 even though I was brought up in a religious home with…
Atavio Del Exodo
Todos conocemos las historia del Pueblo de Israel; que permanecieron en Egipto en esclavitud por 400 años; hasta que Dios tuvo consideracion de ellos y les mando un libertador llamado Moises. Un hombre cuyo caracter fue establecido como el hombre mas manso Num. 12:3; pero a la vez un hombre poderoso en palabra y hechos aun en la sabiduria de los Egipcios. Hechos 7:22 El proposito de Dios era darle una oportunidad a su pueblo escogido que realmente pudieran formar parte de su linaje. Todo sus eventos como la eleccion de un reino establecido, eleccion de un libertador, eleccion de un pueblo, eleccion de un lider, eleccion de acontecimientos y…
Recnac – Cancer
The hardest thing that anyone can go through would have to be the experience of the domino effect of the consequences of the degeneration of man. The penetration of this powerful cell into oneself allows this authority to govern your way of living. This word is not just an invasion to your physical body medically; but it can also come disguised as a spirit that can attack you mentally, emotionally and spiritually. The risk of this cell increases rapidly in our world; and is not generally possible to prove what is the actual cause or its origin. But scientifically; the percentages of such invasion has been due to 90% environmental…
Breath of Life
Is that time Lord; I am here as my father is being processed. It is the hardest thing that I have been through…I have learned so much about this sickness that has become a passion to learn to help others with the process. “CANCER” such little word with such powerful impact in a man’s life: Captured by A Negative Cell that Eventually will be Regenerated by the Spirit of God. This powerful cell that nobody knows its origin; but we know that nothing of such results can be the creation of a loving God. The degeneration of man has produced such negativity in our environment that has penetrated the laws…
Pisada Espiritual
El pie en los natural o’ es decir los Pies en si es lo que sostiene al cuerpo; o’ es la fundacion de un cuerpo. El caminar, el correr, el tropezar, el caer y el mantenerse firme son todas funciones de los pies. Para establecer una Pisada conforme en Dios tiene que contener los siguiente: Estructura, Equilibrio y Dinamica que es el mismo contenido que El establecio aun en lo natural. El pie esta compuesto por tres partes: El Talon (Estructura) que es lo que da la firmeza; El Arco (Equilibrio) que es lo que amortigua la pisada para el caminar; y por ultimo Los Falanges (Dinamica) que es lo…