Time of Peace
After two long years and meditating on this special month. I started to remember 9/11 – “Time of Chaos”. When I began to read it again; it dawned on me! I never spoke about what my father was feeling at the time; nor the words that he spoke afterwards. I only wrote and spoke of my feelings! Well let’s go back to that time……It was one of the hardest things I had to process in my life. The word “Cancer” has taught me so much; but back then I was clueless. I was blinded by the word in all aspects or angles of life. It cluttered my brain with such…
Alas de Paloma
Noviembre 14, del 2017 un “Tiempo de Caos”; volver a caminar en un acontecimiento de repeticion. El cual seria como estar viviendo la segunda parte a una pelicula de secuencia. La historia se repite pero el personaje protagonico es complemento de lo que marcaria el final de esta secuencia. Genesis 6:9 Este tiempo a sido un lapso de limpieza y rompimiento de una nueva tierra. Ahora esta tierra produciria un cimiente firme por el desarollo de lo que clama el llanto de una generacion que seria marcada por el tiempo. Es bien dificil realizar un empiezo donde tu naturaleza grita en silencio a cada segundo de tu vida. La frustracion…
Huellas de Dolor
En una noche obscura con el eco de inseguridad retumbando mis oidos; y mis ojos invadidos por una sombra de muerte. Lagrimas ruedan por mi rostro dejando “Huellas de Dolor” por la incertidumbre. Totalmente muda por la manipulacion de mi condicion. El alma clama “Vida” en silencio y estremece mi “Espiritu”. El grito por misericordia para cobertura al resplandor de culpabilidad que se a venido arrastrando por generaciones. Genesis 3:14 La contaminacion de un resentimiento antiguo que es el producto de esta actual situacion; por la colaboracion de nuestros ante pasados. El ser testigo al enfrentamiento a la invasion de esta enfermedad que debilita nuestra Fe. Por la cual eres…
Captura la Vida
Este fin de semana me encontraba en mi casa poniendo en orden algunas de mis cosas. Durante este tiempo de limpieza me encontre algo que impacto todo mi tiempo y capturo todas mis emociones. Algo tan simple como un barco inflable; pero en esta ocacion el valor de eso sobre salia todo nivel. Este barco; fue un regalo de mi padre para uno de mis hijos cuando el habia estado en un viaje. Pero lo importante no era el juguete sino el contenido. Este barquito estaba envuelto de vida; este juguete ahora se ha convertido en el Tesoro mas preciado para mi. Alli se encontraba el “Soplo de Vida” de…
Eagle’s Eye View
This May 08, 2017 marks a one year anniversary of the natural passing of my father. I can’t help myself but to get emotional; just thinking of this grand day of celebration. It is like if it was just yesterday; I was having our special morning talks over a cup of coffee and breakfast. I still remember vividly his every single line and wrinkle of my father’s facial expression as we conversed about how wonderful and great God is. His beautiful smile lit up the whole room even on a dark, cloudy and rainy day. Without a doubt; the only routine in my life that I had enjoyed; and not…
Butterfly Effect
As I mentioned before on a previous writing and I will repeat again. The hardest thing that anyone can go through would have to be the experience of the domino effect of the consequences of the degeneration of man. The penetration of this powerful cell into oneself allows this authority to govern your way of living. This word is not just an invasion to your physical body medically; but it can also come disguised as a spirit that can attack you mentally, emotionally and spiritually. This word cancer has been placed beneath my feet and I stomp the authority that God has bestowed on me!!!!! IT HAS BEEN DEFEATED!!!!!!! Phil.…
The Bread of Affliction
Why has the life span of man decreased over time? I have found myself asking that question since I became aware of God’s purpose in my life. We find ourselves constantly protecting the species that are becoming extinct; without realizing the importance of the conservation of the human race. Genesis 6:3, Psalms 90:10, Acts 17:26 Mankind has avoided the reality of what has become the threat to our life span. Unable to understand our surroundings we find ourselves vulnerable. We then tend to clear the path to these provisional authorities to enter our lives. We surrender and submit ourselves to this worthless power that we have crowned with majesty. Deuteronomy…
Filthy Rags – Dream
I had this dream on 08/31/2013 I saw a two story big house. The house was extremely big. I saw two men and a woman coming to install some type of security system and I was showing them the house. When I was in the process of showing them the house; it was like these people perceived a big energy that was not allowing them to install this security. Since this security would be worthless in going against this strong energy. I questioned them about what they were saying and asked them now do you really think that there are some type of spirits here? But I was being sarcastic…
Facing the Giant
Once you find yourself grounded in your walking; you are now able to face the reality as hard as it sounds “Cancer”. Your opponent has been identified and the target is in focus; is now time to battle this Giant . Let this battle begin!!!!! On one corner we have “the Giant” and on the opposite corner “You”. Making this battle a mockery to “David and Goliath”; of the underdog situation where a smaller and weaker opponent faces a much bigger and stronger adversary. But in this case this adversary has only the power that is capable of getting by you allowing it to feed from your weakness approach. 1…
Reconciliacion de un Hombre – 05/08/2016
El enfretamiento a una realidad dolorosa en lo natural; pero espiritualmente una celebracion de vida. La Reconciliacion de un Hombre a su estado original. Esta partida natural fue solo un proceso predestinado desde antes de su nacimiento. Salmos 139:1-24. En esta ocacion me toca hablar del fallecimiento de mi padre despues de haber sido diagnosticado por un proceso que es titulado “Cancer”. La invasion a su cuerpo fisico fue nadamas un instrumento de purificacion y preparacion para su Espiritu. Al principio no lo podia entender el porque esto habia sucedido siendo que mi Padre fue un gran Hombre de Fe y Fiel seguidor de Cristo. Las preguntas y dudas llenavan…