B’ayin – Dream
On this DREAM dated 03/21/2013 was one of the most important dreams that God gave me. Why; because it was when my interest in learning from the roots of where everything started. My interest became very apparent in learning to introduce in my studying “Hebrew”. This is the first thing that I saw in my dream and I knew first of all that it was a confirmation to my wanting to learn the basics of Hebrew. As I have placed below you can also understand the early Hebrew meaning of this letter “Eye”. To be responsive and alert to always of God’s way of communicating to you; for me…
Tierra Fertil
Esta es la continuacion del tema anterior “Tierra Esteril” (tambien ref. Del Polvo a nadA); tierra que produjo vida para un proposito provisional por orden divina. Terreno que tomaria lugar en la preparacion de la tierra que en esta ocacion voy a relatar lo que es mi entendimiento en respecto a la “Tierra Fertil”. Tierra Fertil; la misma enciclopedia concuerda en su definicion de tierra roja, el suelo considerado como el mas fertil del mundo por su alto contenido de nutrientes para plantas, y todo arbol de gran demanda nutricional. Su caracterizacion de su colorido es debido a la presencia de minerales de laterita especialmente el hierro. La importancia…