Time of Chaos – 9/11
September 11 a very tragic commemorative date with heaviness of unified sorrow for the United States and its people. This day marks the beginning of a new perspective not just for the Nation and Government; but also most importantly the people. We had to focus ourselves that in order to succeed the rebuilding of our nation; we would have to combine our effort, strength, commitment, loyalty and faith. This unity would give our country the results that are necessary to continue with the reputation for being one of the strongest nations in the world. Understanding this attack would only process our nation to come out stronger than ever politically, economically and spiritually. This process will elevate our nation facing the reality of this horrendous attack, which allowed our nation to take better measurements that has only improved our security. Giving the growth of knowledge in areas where we lacked experience when facing situations that are out of our hands.
This very symbolic date has also marked my life, not just for what I explained but for a very personal attack in my life. My father was diagnosed with Renal Cell Carcinoma Stage IV Cancer that had metastasized already to his lungs on 09/11/2015.
One of the hardest things that anyone would have to face would be hearing this word “Cancer” especially in relation to anyone of your loved ones. I remember this day so vividly because my father was getting a Pet Scan; which is the test that will only confirm what you already know…..When I was there it felt like my feet were not touching the ground; I was like floating on air. I guess my walking was giving me the illusion that this was a dream and that I soon was going to be awaken.
I was at a trance because I know I was there physically but unconsciously I was absent from reality. I questioned; Why? I was angry! (a normal natural reaction of a human; and especially of a daughter). But finally my Spirit moved me. I continue to ask God for strength and guidance as to how to take this reality in. I did not receive an answer. Which in my relationship with Him; was so unlikely for this to happen. He always answers I just could not understand why He was not answering. Well is not that He was not answering; I guess the answer that I received was not what I expected. But His fidelity confirmed the fact that He was listening.
The Response came to me at 7:22 A.M. on that specific day; Like this: “An Answer can’t be received at a time of Chaos; but my Grace will come to you when you find Peace”…..The Sons of God are not exempt from the damnation or consequences of sin; but are delivered because they are found righteous.” Gen. 6:9 He also gave me the name “Noah”: Hebrew origin (Noach) which means Rest and Comfort; which comes from a root verb “Nuah” which denotes to rest, the rest of peace after a period of war Esther 9:16, or general peace of mind Proverbs 29:17 or rest at the end of a journey. Gen. 8:4
When this happened and I processed His word during that time; I understood that whatever was coming our way from then on He was in control and completely off our hands. The words had not yet travelled to my brain but had already passed through my heart; when it finally hit my brain my feet hit the ground. I was now walking a reality that would change my perspective of Life forever. I was holding on to His word and understood the importance of finding that Peace that will give me the strength to face this Giant head on; no guards down.
But I also knew that this was going to take a united effort of my family to battle such spirit of repercussion. We understood the consequences; but we also know the results. John 16:33 The rebuilding process began by combining our strength. I remember my father’s words when he was first told about his diagnosis: He said “I have been found just in God’s eyes let my process begin.” He continue saying by asking us “to never lose our trust and faith in God despite the outcome of this situation”. At this moment I was at a complete Awe and speechless; how can such words come from a person whose body is totally invaded by this horrendous attack. Spiritually he was stronger than I have ever seen him. The security of his strength was amazing to see especially during this chaotic time; but Wow!!! What a remarkable sight it was.
This was the example of Peace that God was referring to. That is why I was able to comprehend it more clearly. It was Faith; that is the power needed to be able to acquire such Peace. I understood now; but sometimes at times like this it is more difficult to process that Faith in our lives. This was also what I needed in my life. It was an awakening from this day of darkness to a new day of Hope & Life. Learning to walk in Faith each day at a time; not looking back on yesterday or even what tomorrow is bringing. Changing your priorities and making this day the most important one of your Life. The opportunity to be able to breathe life another day and living to the fullest, is now the focus of our life. Our unity in strength, commitment and loyalty to our Lord has allowed us to experience such commemorative event called “Life” even at Time of Chaos.